Here is some information about how to contact us.

Site Editor
> Sledgstone

Site Editor
> Ladywriter

If you are submitting something to this site (fan art, fan fics, etc.) follow the directions below.

Please consult the FAQ before contacting us.
If you have a question for us - leave it on the message board.

All submission categories are listed below.
Everything Submitted to this site, that is approved, is posted into the coresponding sections. All creators of submitted work will receive credit to be posted along with such work.

Fill out the following contact form. Please note: To send a file (Pictures/Drawings/Documents), fill out the contact form to receive the information about submissions and the email address you must send your attachment to.

The following contact form is powered by our forums.
Please reference Death by Gundam when filling it out.

Contact Form:
General Inquiries / Fandom Submission

Please note:

The email account connected to this contact form is checked infrequently and is intended primarily for Fandom Submissions, even when submitting something, do not expect a timely reply. To talk to us, please contact us via the message board. Our message board is often known as our "Forums" or "Ancient Clan" or "AC Forums" and can be found at the following link:
(Our usernames are the same as stated above.)